Nippon Ishin to Accept FY '26 Income Cap Abolition for Tuition Aid
Nippon Ishin to Accept FY '26 Income Cap Abolition for Tuition Aid
Tokyo, Feb. 16 (Jiji Press)--Opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party) co-leader Seiji Maehara suggested Sunday that his party would accept the ruling camp's proposal to postpone to fiscal 2026 the abolition of the income cap on financial aid for households with students attending private high schools. For such households with an annual income of less than 5.9 million yen, the...
Tokyo, Feb. 16 (Jiji Press)--Opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party) co-leader Seiji Maehara suggested Sunday that his party would accept the ruling camp's proposal to postpone to fiscal 2026 the abolition of the income cap on financial aid for households with students attending private high schools. For such households with an annual income of less than 5.9 million yen, the...