Prince Hisahito Visits Repatriation Museum in Maizuru

Maizuru, Kyoto Pref., Feb. 12 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Prince Hisahito, the only son of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko, visited Wednesday a museum in the western Japan city of Maizuru to learn about the Japanese internees in Siberia and their return to the country after World War II. In his private visit to the Maizuru Repatriation Memorial Museum in the city in Kyoto Prefecture...

Prince Hisahito Visits Repatriation Museum in Maizuru
Maizuru, Kyoto Pref., Feb. 12 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Prince Hisahito, the only son of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko, visited Wednesday a museum in the western Japan city of Maizuru to learn about the Japanese internees in Siberia and their return to the country after World War II. In his private visit to the Maizuru Repatriation Memorial Museum in the city in Kyoto Prefecture...