Comedian Uchimura, Announcer Miura Remain Ideal Bosses

Tokyo, Feb. 26 (Jiji Press)--Japanese comedian Teruyoshi Uchimura and television announcer Asami Miura topped the list of ideal male bosses and that of female bosses, respectively, for the ninth consecutive year, a survey by Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. showed Wednesday. In the survey, respondents who are starting their careers this spring said that Uchimura and Miura look "approachable" ...

Comedian Uchimura, Announcer Miura Remain Ideal Bosses
Tokyo, Feb. 26 (Jiji Press)--Japanese comedian Teruyoshi Uchimura and television announcer Asami Miura topped the list of ideal male bosses and that of female bosses, respectively, for the ninth consecutive year, a survey by Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. showed Wednesday. In the survey, respondents who are starting their careers this spring said that Uchimura and Miura look "approachable" ...