JR East to Offer Ride-Hailing Services

Tokyo, March 2 (Jiji Press)--East Japan Railway Co., or JR East, will offer ride-hailing services using a group firm's rental cars to accommodate customers during hours when taxis and buses are not sufficiently available. The railway operator will start the services in Minamiboso and Tateyama, cities in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, on Monday and in Senboku, Akita Prefecture, northeastern...

JR East to Offer Ride-Hailing Services
Tokyo, March 2 (Jiji Press)--East Japan Railway Co., or JR East, will offer ride-hailing services using a group firm's rental cars to accommodate customers during hours when taxis and buses are not sufficiently available. The railway operator will start the services in Minamiboso and Tateyama, cities in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, on Monday and in Senboku, Akita Prefecture, northeastern...