Japan to Allow Taiwan as Nationality in Family Register

Tokyo, Feb. 18 (Jiji Press)--Japan will allow regions to be recorded as nationalities under its family register system, enabling people from Taiwan to write the self-governing island instead of China, Justice Minister Keisuke Suzuki said Tuesday. Beijing has criticized the change, set to take effect May 26, as it claims Taiwan as an inseparable part of Chinese territory. Suzuki countered th...

Japan to Allow Taiwan as Nationality in Family Register
Tokyo, Feb. 18 (Jiji Press)--Japan will allow regions to be recorded as nationalities under its family register system, enabling people from Taiwan to write the self-governing island instead of China, Justice Minister Keisuke Suzuki said Tuesday. Beijing has criticized the change, set to take effect May 26, as it claims Taiwan as an inseparable part of Chinese territory. Suzuki countered th...