Japan Supreme Court Rejects Retrial Plea for 1979 Murder

Tokyo, Feb. 26 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Supreme Court has finalized lower court rulings rejecting a plea by a 97-year-old woman for a retrial for the 1979 murder of a man in the town of Osaki, Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan. The country's top court upheld the rulings by Kagoshima District Court and the Miyazaki branch of Fukuoka High Court on Tuesday, dismissing the fourth retrial ple...

Japan Supreme Court Rejects Retrial Plea for 1979 Murder
Tokyo, Feb. 26 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Supreme Court has finalized lower court rulings rejecting a plea by a 97-year-old woman for a retrial for the 1979 murder of a man in the town of Osaki, Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan. The country's top court upheld the rulings by Kagoshima District Court and the Miyazaki branch of Fukuoka High Court on Tuesday, dismissing the fourth retrial ple...