3 More Courts Find 2024 Lower House Election Constitutional
3 More Courts Find 2024 Lower House Election Constitutional
Tokyo, Feb. 26 (Jiji Press)--Three more Japanese courts ruled on Wednesday that last October's House of Representatives election was constitutional in terms of vote-value disparities. The three rulings, by the Matsue branch of Hiroshima High Court, Takamatsu High Court and the Kanazawa branch of Nagoya High Court, were the 12th to 14th rulings on a total of 16 lawsuits over the recent gener...
Tokyo, Feb. 26 (Jiji Press)--Three more Japanese courts ruled on Wednesday that last October's House of Representatives election was constitutional in terms of vote-value disparities. The three rulings, by the Matsue branch of Hiroshima High Court, Takamatsu High Court and the Kanazawa branch of Nagoya High Court, were the 12th to 14th rulings on a total of 16 lawsuits over the recent gener...