Japanese Panel Seeks to Tighten Screening of New Universities
Japanese Panel Seeks to Tighten Screening of New Universities
Tokyo, Feb. 21 (Jiji Press)--An advisory panel to the Japanese education minister Friday proposed tightening screening procedures for establishing universities as the number of students is expected to drop sharply because of an aging society. The number of people going to university in the country is estimated to fall to some 460,000 in 2040 from about 630,000 last year as the population of...
Tokyo, Feb. 21 (Jiji Press)--An advisory panel to the Japanese education minister Friday proposed tightening screening procedures for establishing universities as the number of students is expected to drop sharply because of an aging society. The number of people going to university in the country is estimated to fall to some 460,000 in 2040 from about 630,000 last year as the population of...