Japan Opposition CDP Aims for Massive Budget Revision
Japan Opposition CDP Aims for Massive Budget Revision
Tokyo, Feb. 17 (Jiji Press)--The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan aims to revise the government's fiscal 2025 draft budget by the trillion yen, party leader Yoshihiko Noda said Monday. Whether the party approves the budget depends on how far the government and the Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling coalition will accept the CDP's budget revision proposal, Noda told ...
Tokyo, Feb. 17 (Jiji Press)--The main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan aims to revise the government's fiscal 2025 draft budget by the trillion yen, party leader Yoshihiko Noda said Monday. Whether the party approves the budget depends on how far the government and the Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling coalition will accept the CDP's budget revision proposal, Noda told ...