50 Years On: Dive into Misogynistic Words in Japan's "Kojien" Dictionary
50 Years On: Dive into Misogynistic Words in Japan's "Kojien" Dictionary
Tokyo, Feb. 27 (Jiji Press)--Perhaps one of the most iconic Japanese dictionaries, "Kojien" with its vast collection of some 250,000 words and phrases still include language that may be perceived as misogynistic. Ahead of the 50th anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8, an official at the dictionary's publisher, Iwanami Shoten, explained, "You could become complicit in discrimi...
Tokyo, Feb. 27 (Jiji Press)--Perhaps one of the most iconic Japanese dictionaries, "Kojien" with its vast collection of some 250,000 words and phrases still include language that may be perceived as misogynistic. Ahead of the 50th anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8, an official at the dictionary's publisher, Iwanami Shoten, explained, "You could become complicit in discrimi...