4 Ex-Abe Faction Execs Agreed to Resume Kickbacks: Ex-Accountant

Tokyo, Feb. 27 (Jiji Press)--Four former senior members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party faction previously led by the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe unanimously agreed in August 2022 to resume the practice of kicking back fundraising party revenues to faction members, a former chief accountant of the now-defunct faction said Thursday. Junichiro Matsumoto testified this as an...

4 Ex-Abe Faction Execs Agreed to Resume Kickbacks: Ex-Accountant
Tokyo, Feb. 27 (Jiji Press)--Four former senior members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party faction previously led by the late Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe unanimously agreed in August 2022 to resume the practice of kicking back fundraising party revenues to faction members, a former chief accountant of the now-defunct faction said Thursday. Junichiro Matsumoto testified this as an...