14 Years On: Local Govts Struggle to Preserve March 2011 Disaster Records
14 Years On: Local Govts Struggle to Preserve March 2011 Disaster Records
Sendai, Miyagi Pref., March 12 (Jiji Press)--Local governments in northeastern Japan, hit hard by the March 2011 disasters, face ongoing challenges in preserving critical records, including those documenting emergency responses in the immediate aftermath. Fourteen years later, these documents remain vital for passing down lessons from the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters. However, ...
Sendai, Miyagi Pref., March 12 (Jiji Press)--Local governments in northeastern Japan, hit hard by the March 2011 disasters, face ongoing challenges in preserving critical records, including those documenting emergency responses in the immediate aftermath. Fourteen years later, these documents remain vital for passing down lessons from the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters. However, ...