Japan FTC to Advise Bic Camera Not to Underpay Subcontractors

Tokyo, Feb. 25 (Jiji Press)--The Japan Fair Trade Commission plans to advise electronics retailer Bic Camera Inc. to prevent a recurrence of unreasonable reductions in payments to subcontractors that manufacture its private-brand products, informed sources said Tuesday. The commission found that Bic Camera unreasonably cut the payments by a total of about 500 million yen in violation of the...

Japan FTC to Advise Bic Camera Not to Underpay Subcontractors
Tokyo, Feb. 25 (Jiji Press)--The Japan Fair Trade Commission plans to advise electronics retailer Bic Camera Inc. to prevent a recurrence of unreasonable reductions in payments to subcontractors that manufacture its private-brand products, informed sources said Tuesday. The commission found that Bic Camera unreasonably cut the payments by a total of about 500 million yen in violation of the...