Chiba Governor Kumagai Wins 2nd Term

Chiba, March 16 (Jiji Press)--Chiba Governor Toshihito Kumagai, 47, won his second term in Sunday's gubernatorial election in Chiba Prefecture neighboring Tokyo, defeating three other candidates including controversial political figure Takashi Tachibana. Kumagai, an independent candidate, had support from the prefectural organizations of five parties--the Liberal Democratic Party, the Const...

Chiba Governor Kumagai Wins 2nd Term
Chiba, March 16 (Jiji Press)--Chiba Governor Toshihito Kumagai, 47, won his second term in Sunday's gubernatorial election in Chiba Prefecture neighboring Tokyo, defeating three other candidates including controversial political figure Takashi Tachibana. Kumagai, an independent candidate, had support from the prefectural organizations of five parties--the Liberal Democratic Party, the Const...