TV Celebrity Dewi Sukarno Launches Political Group in Japan
TV Celebrity Dewi Sukarno Launches Political Group in Japan
Tokyo, Feb. 13 (Jiji Press)--Television celebrity Dewi Sukarno, who was the third wife of then Indonesian President Sukarno, has announced the launch of a political group for animal protection in Japan. She aims to field candidates in this summer's election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the country's parliament. As head of the group, Dewi herself plans to run after reac...
Tokyo, Feb. 13 (Jiji Press)--Television celebrity Dewi Sukarno, who was the third wife of then Indonesian President Sukarno, has announced the launch of a political group for animal protection in Japan. She aims to field candidates in this summer's election for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the country's parliament. As head of the group, Dewi herself plans to run after reac...