Japan May Designate Iwate Wildfire as Severe Disaster: Ishiba
Japan May Designate Iwate Wildfire as Severe Disaster: Ishiba
Tokyo, March 5 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government will mull designating the wildfire raging in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan, as a severe disaster eligible for massive state aid, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Wednesday. "We'll make sure we respond quickly and appropriately, so that disaster victims can feel at ease and financial burdens on local governments are small...
Tokyo, March 5 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government will mull designating the wildfire raging in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan, as a severe disaster eligible for massive state aid, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Wednesday. "We'll make sure we respond quickly and appropriately, so that disaster victims can feel at ease and financial burdens on local governments are small...