Osaka Body Identified as Transport Min. Official's

Osaka, Feb. 5 (Jiji Press)--Japanese police said Wednesday that they have identified the severed body of an adult man found in the western prefecture of Osaka as belonging to transport ministry official Takamichi Kamioka. The Osaka prefectural police used DNA analysis to identify Kamioka, 52. He had been missing since late last year, prompting relatives to file a search request. The body...

Osaka Body Identified as Transport Min. Official's
Osaka, Feb. 5 (Jiji Press)--Japanese police said Wednesday that they have identified the severed body of an adult man found in the western prefecture of Osaka as belonging to transport ministry official Takamichi Kamioka. The Osaka prefectural police used DNA analysis to identify Kamioka, 52. He had been missing since late last year, prompting relatives to file a search request. The body...