Victims Mourned ahead of Haneda Collision 1st Anniversary

Tokyo, Dec. 23 (Jiji Press)--A memorial ceremony was held Monday for the five Japan Coast Guard members killed in the collision between a JCG plane and a Japan Airlines passenger aircraft that occurred at Tokyo's Haneda Airport on Jan. 2 this year. The ceremony took place at a facility of the JCG's third regional headquarters on the premises of the airport, bringing together about 70 people...

Victims Mourned ahead of Haneda Collision 1st Anniversary
Tokyo, Dec. 23 (Jiji Press)--A memorial ceremony was held Monday for the five Japan Coast Guard members killed in the collision between a JCG plane and a Japan Airlines passenger aircraft that occurred at Tokyo's Haneda Airport on Jan. 2 this year. The ceremony took place at a facility of the JCG's third regional headquarters on the premises of the airport, bringing together about 70 people...