Victims Mourned ahead of Haneda Collision 1st Anniversary
Victims Mourned ahead of Haneda Collision 1st Anniversary
Tokyo, Dec. 23 (Jiji Press)--A memorial ceremony was held Monday for the five Japan Coast Guard members killed in the collision between a JCG plane and a Japan Airlines passenger aircraft that occurred at Tokyo's Haneda Airport on Jan. 2 this year. The ceremony took place at a facility of the JCG's third regional headquarters on the premises of the airport, bringing together about 70 people...
Tokyo, Dec. 23 (Jiji Press)--A memorial ceremony was held Monday for the five Japan Coast Guard members killed in the collision between a JCG plane and a Japan Airlines passenger aircraft that occurred at Tokyo's Haneda Airport on Jan. 2 this year. The ceremony took place at a facility of the JCG's third regional headquarters on the premises of the airport, bringing together about 70 people...