"Toyoko Kids" Aid Center Wrestling with Challenges

Tokyo, Jan. 6 (Jiji Press)--The Tokyo metropolitan government is struggling to maintain the secure environment at its youth consultation center in Shinjuku Ward's Kabukicho district while upholding the principle of having the facility accept all those who need help. The center, named Kimimamo@kabukicho, opened in Kabukicho in May 2024 to give advice to boys and girls hanging around an area ...

"Toyoko Kids" Aid Center Wrestling with Challenges
Tokyo, Jan. 6 (Jiji Press)--The Tokyo metropolitan government is struggling to maintain the secure environment at its youth consultation center in Shinjuku Ward's Kabukicho district while upholding the principle of having the facility accept all those who need help. The center, named Kimimamo@kabukicho, opened in Kabukicho in May 2024 to give advice to boys and girls hanging around an area ...