Japanese Rice Fish Detect UV Rays with Pituitary Gland

Tokyo, Feb. 6 (Jiji Press)--Japanese rice fish detect ultraviolet rays from sunlight directly with the pituitary gland and turn their bodies black for protection, a Japanese team has found. The findings by the team, including University of Tokyo associate professor Shinji Kanda and Okayama University assistant professor Keita Sato, were published in the U.S. journal Science recently. Rec...

Japanese Rice Fish Detect UV Rays with Pituitary Gland
Tokyo, Feb. 6 (Jiji Press)--Japanese rice fish detect ultraviolet rays from sunlight directly with the pituitary gland and turn their bodies black for protection, a Japanese team has found. The findings by the team, including University of Tokyo associate professor Shinji Kanda and Okayama University assistant professor Keita Sato, were published in the U.S. journal Science recently. Rec...