Tokyo, Dec. 23 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Emperor Emeritus Akihito, the father of Emperor Naruhito, turned 91 on Monday. The Emperor Emeritus is spending his days regularly, quietly and calmly while caring for Empress Emerita Michiko, 90, who broke her right thighbone in October. He reads newspapers every morning and evening and watches television news during meals to keep an eye on domestic...
Tokyo, Dec. 23 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Emperor Emeritus Akihito, the father of Emperor Naruhito, turned 91 on Monday. The Emperor Emeritus is spending his days regularly, quietly and calmly while caring for Empress Emerita Michiko, 90, who broke her right thighbone in October. He reads newspapers every morning and evening and watches television news during meals to keep an eye on domestic...