Japan to Allow Firms to Hold Online-Only Shareholder Meetings

Tokyo, Feb. 4 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Justice Minister Keisuke Suzuki said Tuesday that he will seek advice from the Legislative Council on the idea of revising the companies law to fully allow businesses to hold online-only shareholders' meetings. For better convenience of both companies and shareholders, the government plans to fully legalize online-only shareholders' meetings, which are p...

Japan to Allow Firms to Hold Online-Only Shareholder Meetings
Tokyo, Feb. 4 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Justice Minister Keisuke Suzuki said Tuesday that he will seek advice from the Legislative Council on the idea of revising the companies law to fully allow businesses to hold online-only shareholders' meetings. For better convenience of both companies and shareholders, the government plans to fully legalize online-only shareholders' meetings, which are p...