Japan National Wealth Hits Record 4,158 T. Yen at End of 2023
Japan National Wealth Hits Record 4,158 T. Yen at End of 2023
Tokyo, Jan. 20 (Jiji Press)--Japan's national wealth grew for the eighth straight year to hit a record high in 2023, thanks to rises in land and stock prices, a Cabinet Office estimate showed Monday. The country's net assets, or the value of properties, cash, deposits, stocks and other assets in the country minus that of loans and other debts, totaled 4,158.4 trillion yen at the end of 2023,...
Tokyo, Jan. 20 (Jiji Press)--Japan's national wealth grew for the eighth straight year to hit a record high in 2023, thanks to rises in land and stock prices, a Cabinet Office estimate showed Monday. The country's net assets, or the value of properties, cash, deposits, stocks and other assets in the country minus that of loans and other debts, totaled 4,158.4 trillion yen at the end of 2023,...