Ex-LDP Accountant Not to Testify before Parliament

Tokyo, Feb. 3 (Jiji Press)--A former accountant for Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has told the secretariat of the House of Representatives that he will not appear before the lower parliamentary chamber for unsworn testimony over the party's slush funds scandal, LDP officials said Monday. The refusal by the former accountant, Junichiro Matsumoto, came after the Lower House Budget C...

Ex-LDP Accountant Not to Testify before Parliament
Tokyo, Feb. 3 (Jiji Press)--A former accountant for Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has told the secretariat of the House of Representatives that he will not appear before the lower parliamentary chamber for unsworn testimony over the party's slush funds scandal, LDP officials said Monday. The refusal by the former accountant, Junichiro Matsumoto, came after the Lower House Budget C...