PFAS Levels Top Standard in 87 Pct of Those Tested in Japan Town

Kibichuo, Okayama Pref., Jan. 28 (Jiji Press)--PFAS concentrations in blood samples from 87.4 pct of those tested in a town in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan, exceeded a U.S. standard for the potentially carcinogenic chemicals, it was learned Tuesday. The Kibichuo town government announced the results of its first blood tests conducted at public expense last year, after PFAS, or per- and...

PFAS Levels Top Standard in 87 Pct of Those Tested in Japan Town
Kibichuo, Okayama Pref., Jan. 28 (Jiji Press)--PFAS concentrations in blood samples from 87.4 pct of those tested in a town in Okayama Prefecture, western Japan, exceeded a U.S. standard for the potentially carcinogenic chemicals, it was learned Tuesday. The Kibichuo town government announced the results of its first blood tests conducted at public expense last year, after PFAS, or per- and...