Dismantling Starts for Tanks Used to Store Treated N-Plant Water
Dismantling Starts for Tanks Used to Store Treated N-Plant Water
Fukushima, Feb. 14 (Jiji Press)--Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. said Friday it has started dismantling tanks used to store treated wastewater from its crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. By the end of March 2026, the company plans to dismantle 12 tanks that became empty after the stored treated water was released into the ocean, it said. Each of the tanks, located at ...
Fukushima, Feb. 14 (Jiji Press)--Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. said Friday it has started dismantling tanks used to store treated wastewater from its crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. By the end of March 2026, the company plans to dismantle 12 tanks that became empty after the stored treated water was released into the ocean, it said. Each of the tanks, located at ...